BK8 Affiliate Program

More and more businesses are going online today. Hence, making money online has become one of the most dependable ways to make financial freedom, especially in the twenty-first century. When you choose BK8, you are guaranteed to be welcomed. That’s true whether you are a vlogger, YouTuber, blogger, or other creatives wanting to use our affiliate marketing program to get some extra cash. But how can you do this? Simple! All you must do is seek creative ways of sharing a link to our site, and we will pay you a commission every time a person places a bet with us through your link. Interested to know more about BK8’s Affiliate Program?

So, What Is An Affiliate Program?

An affiliate program is a partnership we make along with numerous stakeholders wanted to promote our services through our website’s URL links. In this situation, you need to refer online casino players to any of the games we offer. We will then pay a commission, which will be a percentage of the net profit they produce for us.

How Can You Make Some Profit?

If you like to start profiting from our affiliate program, you need to register first to our website. To register, fill in the affiliate application form below and present all the requested information. Take note that the information required is only your Username and Password. After that, you will see the generated affiliate ID in the last text box. Make sure you keep your affiliate ID safe, as it will be required at some point. That unique affiliate code is what makes you different from other affiliate partners. For each link you share, our system will distinguish it from other partners’ links through that unique code.

How Should I Begin?

The ideal way to earn from our affiliate program is by making creative content targeting online casino players. You can do that through a podcast, a YouTube, a blog, and more. Do you prefer to opt for written content? You need to make a blog or website where you can share content along with your audience and add links to our site.

Would you wish to opt for video content? Then you will need to open a YouTube channel where you can share content about the online casinos and then ask your target audience to visit our site. Make sure you also share the link to our website in your video content.

What about podcasts? You can select to utilize your site or any other well popular audio platforms such as Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

REMEMBER: You need to prevent spamming your audience with messages and emails containing our link. That would be a big turn-off to your audience.

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How To Start An Affiliate Marketing Business?

Creating an affiliate marketing business will massively vary on the different factors. This requires all your attention. These include the following:

The Net Profit Your Referrals Produce

Remember that the more profit your referrals make for BK8, the more the commission you will receive. That only suggests the best referrals are those which stake greater sums of money. As an affiliate marketer, you must find unique ways of making your content get to such individuals.

The Quality Of Traffic

Getting traffic alone isn’t enough to make you the money you require. The conversions you get are significant here. Keep in mind that the traffic is the percentage of conversions to the overall number of viewers who view your content. You must track that ratio if you wish to develop your business. Do you think the number of people clicking the links and go-ahead to play games is minimal? Then you may need to revise your target audience.

Traffic Views Of The Content

Your goal is to getting traffic to see your content regularly while starting to make content for your affiliate program. Producing enough traffic will offer you more opportunities of receiving conversions. Therefore, it allows you to receive more commissions.

How Can You Earn A Commission?

Bear in mind that it is reasonably straightforward to get a commission. All you must do is register with us by filling out the below affiliate program executives to get in touch with us within three working days. After that, you will share a link to your site in your creative content to direct your target audience to our site. Take note that the commission you will receive will result from the net profits the players you referred produce for BK8.

How Is The Commission Calculated?

The following is the breakdown of how the commission you gain is computed:
Total Member Loss (USD) Total Active Player Commission Rate
1 & above < 5 12%
1 – 15,000 >= 5 28%
15,001 & above >= 5 40%
By Invitation 45%
In the table above: Take note that the total member loss refers to the sum of money the player you referred lost while playing any of the games we offered in our Singapore online casino. The more losses your referrals make, the greater the commission percentage. Further, active players are the number of users that are playing within a specific period or month. That indicates the more active players you have from the referrals, the greater the commission percentage. *Remember that Poker isn’t covered in our commission plan shared in the above table and won’t be considered. *The monthly commission rate (percent) is identified on the number of Total Active Player and Total Member Loss, no matter which must be fulfilled first. Affiliates will stay at the lower tier of the commission rate for the next month until it efficiently fulfills both requirements required to move on to the tier. *Every affiliate is subjected to a rebate cost or promotion bonus incurred throughout member acquisition. The cost will be subtracted from the revenue at the end of the month. The following costs, including Royalty Fees, Transaction Fees, and Promotion Bonuses, may be included. Below is a great sample of how the commission is calculated through the figures shared within the table above In the sample, you need to think about the negative and positive revenue. Remember that negative revenue takes place when our online casino Singapore makes a loss of your referrals. In contrast, positive revenue is obtained if we make a net profit off your referrals. Negative revenue You need to consider the total number of members win after a month. In this case, we will use $15,000 and total fees to be $1,500. The negative revenue will be totaled as follows: Member total win: $15,000 Total fees: $1,500 Carry forward: (Total winning member minus total fees) x Commission rate % ($15,000 – $1,500) x 40% = $6,600 Positive revenue We’ll consider the members total loss to be $15,000 and total fees of $1,500. Here’s how your positive revenue will be calculated: Member total loss: $15,000 Total fees: $1,500 Commission: (Member total loss minus total fees) x Commission rate % ($15,000 – $1,500) x 40% – $5,400 (commission)

What About Sub-Affiliates Commission?

Apart from our direct affiliate commissions, BK8 pays a commission when a member invites more folks to join the affiliate program. Those affiliate partners inviting more people to join our marketing program will gain ten per cent of the commission of the individual they referred to earn. For example, you made a direct commission of $6,000. You also referred two other individuals that made a commission of $3,000 and $5,000 accordingly. Here’s how the system will computer your overall commission: Total Commission = Direct Commission + (Sub-affiliate’s Commission x 10%) = $6,000 + [($3,000 + $5,000) x 10%] Total Commission: $6,000 + $800 = $6,800

What Is The Method For Commission Payment?

All your commissions will be compensated through the following: *BK8 reserves the right to cancel any affiliate account without further notice if the affiliate’s performance doesn’t meet our quotes at a given time. *We have the right to amend or change or add any of the terms discussed above. *We have the right to modify the Referral Commission percentage and mode of computation of the Referral Commission. *The commission will be deposited into the bank account within three business days after the withdrawal request is submitted. *There’s a minimum amount of withdrawal (IDR 1000, THB 1000, MYR 1000). Any amount below will be carried forward to the following month. *The commission will be calculated every once a month. It will be released within the 5th and 7th of the month. *Every referral commission payment will be due and paid in the selected currency you pick when you first created an account. The currency available will be THB, IDR, and MYR currency only.

There you have it! These are all the information you need to know about our affiliate program! Do you have any concerns and questions in mind that aren’t discussed on this page? Feel free to get in touch with our customer support live chat team to get the answers.

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See How BK8 Affiliate Program Works